- Respite was provided for children with intellectual disabilities through the Manitoba government.
- Respite for people with physical disabilities was initiated at the urging of parent groups who had operated a summer respite program in 1977.
- Cerebral Palsy (C.P.) Association Respite Service’ (C.P.R.S.) was funded by the Student Employment Program.
- C.P. Association once again organized and managed a summer respite service.
- Termination of the C.P.R.S. in August 1982.
- The C.P. Association joined with The Muscular Dystrophy and Spina Bifida Associations in lobbying for a permanent respite service.
- The Joint Parent Association Respite Committee (JPARC) began operation of a respite service, which was funded by the Manitoba Employment Action Program (MEAP) and a Summer Employment Grant provided respite for those with physical disabilities.
- Community Living respite service was available to people with intellectual disabilities, but was very limited in its scope.
- Physically Handicapped Respite Committee and the Community Living respite program met to discuss the possibility of lobbying together for a respite service which would be available to people with intellectual and/or physical disabilities.
- Federal and Provincial Government N.E.E.D. grant provided funds for a respite service that would offer “support and relief to families who have a mentally and/or physically challenged family member” November 1983 until December 1984. This hybrid service was named Community Respite Service.
- Community Respite Service Inc. (CRS) was incorporated on June 5, 1985.
- The Provincial Government cut off funding for adult participants with only physical disabilities. The government set a finite list of previous adult participants with physical disabilities who may continue to receive this service year-round. CRS calls these adults “Grandparented adults”.
- To this day, CRS fundraises and looks for grants to provide respite for adults with physical disabilities who do not receive government funding.
- CRS wanted a logo, so held a competition for people to submit their ideas and drawings. The winner, Tom Landy, created a design with a community of people holding hands in a semi-circle that formed the “C” for CRS. The semi-circle was also meant to look like the spokes of a wheel chair. This burgundy design became CRS’ official logo.
- CRS received funding changes from the Provincial Government that allowed the organization to increase the administrative staff positions and therefore respite provision, with two full time staff, and two part time staff in the Winnipeg office and one full time staff and one part time staff at the Westman office.
- The CRS Board decided to update CRS’ image and hired a designer to create a new logo and communication package. The new logo took elements of the original logo theme, clarified them and changed the CRS colour to green.
- CRS celebrated its 25th year in business!
- CRS’ head office in Winnipeg moved into the SSCY Centre at 1155 Notre Dame Avenue after 15 years of planning with other organizations and government departments.