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Donations are critical to providing services beyond the basic care and support that the government funds. Donations help CRS provide additional services and programs such as providing respite to adults with physical disabilities who do not qualify for government funded respite. Your financial support is greatly appreciated by the people supported by Community Respite Service.


Community Respite Service is a registered charitable organization. All donations are tax deductible, and a receipt is provided.


Donate by mail

Donations by cheque or money order can be mailed directly to the CRS Winnipeg office:
Community Respite Service
1155 Notre Dame Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3E 3G1

Donate Online

Donation by credit card or Paypal can be made through by clicking the the “Donate Now” button below.
Donate Now Through!

Donate to our Endowment Fund

If you would like your gift to support Community Respite Service over the long term, consider making your contribution to the Community Respite Service Endowment Fund, through the Winnipeg Foundation. The Winnipeg Foundation will match $1 to every $5 donated.

You can make this type of donation online at the Community Respite Service Endowment Fund website or call Karen Lunam at 204-953-2401 to discuss other donation options.


Donate a Car

You can turn your vehicle donation into generous dollars to support Community Respite Service! Working on our behalf, Donate a Car Canada will accept your vehicle for donation — running, or not! Old or new! Please click the link below for more information.

